Hello and thanks for visiting. It's been quite some time since I posted here, but having recently finished my graphic novel series Mary Morgan's Journal, I've decided to share it here in serialized form. Before going on, please understand that these books are political satire set in a dystopian near-future that is based on current events. If you are a fan of the current U.S. regime, you are not likely to be a fan of this series. Before beginning, a little background on why I wrote and illustrated these books. I've had a lifelong passion for writing, have written a few books previously, and have developed a somewhat insane obsession for Photoshop. Bringing these two passions together was all I needed to create what I believe is an altogether new graphic novel format. Keep in mind the format and I are both still progressing. As for the story, it came from my solemn belief that we are worse off as a nation now than we were four years ago. I am a veteran of the United Sta...