
The Cautioner's Tale - 5th (final) installment

  This is the fifth and final installment of The Cautioner's Tale, Mary Morgan's Journal Book 1.  The ebook and paperback editions are available on, as is the Mary Morgan's Journal Boxed Set . More information can be found on my website: . (For the first four installments, please visit my previous posts.) Note: The Cautioner's Tale was written in 2017. Originally, I had no intention of continuing the idea into a series, but in the end found that I had more to say. The process of paralleling my story line with events that took place in the real world has been a great stress-reducer, but also a fearful awakening.  Next, I'll begin serializing The Rescuer's Tale, Mary Morgan's Journal Book 2. Please stay tuned.

The Cautioner's Tale - 4th installment

This is the fourth installment of The Cautioner's Tale, Mary Morgan's Journal Book 1.  The ebook and paperback editions are available on, as is the Mary Morgan's Journal Boxed Set . More information can be found on my website: . (For the first three installments, please visit my previous posts.) The final installment comes tomorrow!

The Cautioner's Tale - third installment

This is the third installment of The Cautioner's Tale, Mary Morgan's Journal Book 1.  The ebook and paperback editions are available on, as is the Mary Morgan's Journal Boxed Set . More information can be found on my website: . (For the first two installments, please visit my previous posts.)  Stay tuned! More to come.

The Cautioner's Tale - second installment

 As promised, here is the next installment of The Cautioner's Tale, Mary Morgan's Journal Book 1. The ebook and paperback editions are available on, as is the Mary Morgan's Journal Boxed Set . More information can be found on my website: .  Thanks for visiting. I'll post more in a day or two.

A Terrifying Glimpse of Our Possible Future

Hello and thanks for visiting. It's been quite some time since I posted here, but having recently finished my graphic novel series Mary Morgan's Journal, I've decided to share it here in serialized form. Before going on, please understand that these books are political satire set in a dystopian near-future that is based on current events. If you are a fan of the current U.S. regime, you are not likely to be a fan of this series.  Before beginning, a little background on why I wrote and illustrated these books. I've had a lifelong passion for writing, have written a few books previously, and have developed a  somewhat insane obsession for Photoshop. Bringing these two passions together was all I needed to create what I believe is an altogether new graphic novel format. Keep in mind the format and I are both still progressing. As for the story, it came from my solemn belief that we are worse off as a nation now than we were four years ago. I am a veteran of the United Sta...

Great News! It's Official!

It's official! The Cautioner's Tale is a WINNER! Hello, and thanks for visiting. I realize it's been quite a while since my last post, but I hope you'll understand I've been fairly busy... 2018 has been a spectacular year for my graphic novel The Cautioner's Tale (Mary Morgan's Journal, Book 1). I'm honored to have received the following awards: Readers' Favorite 5 Star Award Reviewers' Choice Award from Reader Views New Apple's Award For Excellence in Independent Publishing  American Fiction Award from American Bookfest Readers' Favorite Book Award Bronze Medal Please click on any award to learn more. Most importantly, I'm overwhelmed at the help and support I've received from readers and other writers. I greatly appreciate the time you've all taken to read The Cautioner's Tale, and also for letting me know your feelings. If you haven't left your review yet, please do so on

Another Pleasant SurPRIZE!

Hello, and thanks for visiting. It's been a busy week and is about to get even busier in the coming days. As you can see by this photograph of Erbyn Waryer - a character in my upcoming book The Hero's Tale ( Mary Morgan's Journal, Book 3 ) - I'm under threat to work quickly. Getting back to full speed work on The Hero's Tale after a couple of months renovating a 1905 Victorian can seem like quite a leap when I first consider it, but it's actually a welcome change, like settling back into a favorite old leather chair and wondering, "What have I missed since I've been gone?" By virtue of being an author-illustrator, I not only hear my characters' answers, but most often, I see the characters as well. They are not always pleasant, nor are they patient, but our relationships have their rewards.   Last week, I talked about that swanky silver seal I was awarded from Readers' Favorite for the first book in my Mary Morgan's Journa...