Sorting Through the Madness

One of my goals for this blog is to share some insights and artwork with anyone who's interested in my work while, at the same time, sort through all the characters, storylines, and drawings that clutter my train of thought--which is most often a trainwreck, actually. (I hope you remember that RSAS I mentioned in my last post. It's a constant battle!)

Unfortunately, I don't currently have a process for sorting through all this junk in my head, and am at times overwhelmed with the volume of "important" stuff that I have to write, draw, or otherwise express. Often, I feel a great sense of urgency to scribble down notes that fall out of my head almost as quickly as they popped in. Notes, sketches, to-dos, don't-evers, and on and on...The list is endless, really. So, with the highest hopes and the best intentions, I'm starting today's post like this:

Now, I know this may seem odd, but bear with me for at least these first few posts and let me find my stride. If by, say, the fifth or sixth rambling idea I share, you're still not on board, then by all means run off and do something constructive with your time. But, if you begin to catch on to my methods by then, you are welcome to join my madness.

So, here we have a Citizen Bio page from one of Mary Morgan's journals. (You'll be seeing a lot of these.) Mary Morgan is, of course, the main character and narrator of my soon-to-be-released illustrated trilogy Mary Morgan's Journal. If you'd like more information about the series, please visit my website My purpose here, as I said, is to gain your help--whether passively or actively--in sorting through this trainwreck in my head.

So, back to Mary...To understand why she needs to keep records such as what you see here, you'll have to get to know Mary, and possibly, the best way to do that is to study her journals. I can tell you a great deal about her, of course, but as any good writer knows, showing is always preferable to telling. I'm all about trying to be good.

Be aware that Mary also has reams of "RAP Sheets" for the villains that populate her world, as well as tall stacks of time-worn "Case Files" that document particular crimes, scandals, hoaxes, and other mostly unsavory events she feels the need to track. All that is down the road, but for now let me leave you with these simple facts:
  • Mary Morgan's Journal is a work-in-progress. The release dates for the trilogy are set, but what comes afterward is still a mystery to me. I have little doubt you'll help me figure it out here.
  • This blog is not a sales platform. Aside from the clickables in the sidebar, you'll see no other promotion for my books, past or future. For that, please visit my website where you can also subscribe to my newsletter Ponderous Things.
  • Book reviews are very important to us authors, so I will always provide a link for you to join my Advance Review Team so you can get free books and I can get reviews. It's what makes us a team and it really is that simple.
  • I encourage you to comment or ask questions on every post, but if you'd rather keep your remarks private, just shoot me an email. I'm usually pretty quick to respond, particularly to your input about things you'd like to see here on Ponderous Things.
That's it for now. In the half hour I've been writing this, approximately 437 ideas have presented themselves. Best get to it!
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