New Release: The Rescuer's Tale, Mary Morgan's Journal Book 2!
Hello, and thanks for stopping by. Lots of good things happening here, so I'll jump right in. First, I'm happy to report The Rescuer's Tale, Mary Morgan's Journal Book 2 is now available on in ebook and paperback formats. It's also part of the Kindle Unlimited program so all you subscribers can read it for free. Here's a link if you'd like to have a look: Also, here's a shot of the back cover so you can get an idea what you're in for this time: Next comes The Hero's Tale, Mary Morgan's Journal Book 3, due out in March of this year. It's well underway and is proving to be a fun and exciting wrap up of the series. Shown here is a preliminary cover shot which is likely to change slightly prior to publication, but you get the idea. I'm holding off on showing you the interior title page for now because I think it gives away too much of ...