
Showing posts from September, 2017

Giving Back, Paying Forward

Hello and thanks for stopping by. Today's will be a quick post to offer a glimpse of some incoming reviews for The Cautioner's Tale .  As we all know, books and authors do far better with reviews than without. Even bad reviews have been known to help occasionally. So, as authors, we are in constant pursuit of those elusive reviews, and when we get them, I think its wise to be gracious and give back a little of the kindness that was paid forward to us by the reviewers having taken a chance on our books.  Although The Cautioner's Tale is not yet available for pre-order (coming October 1st), the kind people at Readers' Favorite ( have offered up a few opinions that I'd be crazy not to share. Admittedly, the reviews you see here did not arrive exactly as they appear, but by waving around my artistic license like a wand, I was able to work a little magic with their formats (the words belong to the reviewers). For the full revie...

Calling All Cover Lovers!

Hello, and thanks for visiting. Today, I'm asking for a little more help on The Cautioner's Tale . With launch day just over a month away and advance review copies being downloaded as we speak ( ), I'm very close to wrapping up work here. But, there's one last thing...well, two, actually...that I would appreciate some opinions on. Both have to do with my back cover: 1. What do you think of the blurb? 2. What's your opinion of the artwork? I'm open to any and all suggestions on both, and greatly appreciate your help.   Also, I've been floating the front cover around for several weeks now, but if you haven't had an opportunity for a closer look (as well as to voice your opinions & suggestions), then this is it: Please don't forget there's still time to receive your Advance Review Copy of The Cautioner's Tale . If you'd like to sign up for a free download, here's the link again:  http://eepurl....

Ancillary Pawn's Confession

Back again... So, yesterday, emails went out to my Advance Review Team about what and when to expect their free copies of The Cautioner's Tale . If you happen to be one of these lucky souls and did not receive your email, first check your spam folder for mail from If you still don't see it, please let me know either here or on Facebook or my website . OR... There are still openings on my team if you'd care to participate. You're welcome to contact me directly (as above), or just go to my website and sign up there. There's an awesome free ebook in it for you, so don't hesitate! Okay, that's my spiel for today. Now on to some fun stuff.  As I was wrapping up the final edits on The Cautioner's Tale ,  it occurred to me I really wanted to include a little more content than I had room for. Keep in mind the graphics  already involved in the story make it a pretty hefty file, which can really bump up the price. So, I decided to ad...

A Time and A Page For All

Hello and thanks for stopping by. Last week I posted the first four pages of my current work-in-progress, The Cautioner's Tale , and asked a few specific questions about what I might do to improve it. I also shared one of the pictures and the same questions with a couple of Facebook writers' groups, along with a link to last week's post where they could see all four pages. The response was far better than I'd hoped, particularly in the Fiction Writing group. I received many comments, Likes, and emails that were very encouraging. I had some great conversations with a number of people, and I'm grateful for all of it. This week, I'd like to show a couple of changes I've made based on the feedback I received last week.  Some readers suggested I lose the poem on the first page. Why did I need it, after all? I explained it was meant as a prologue to set the tone for the remainder of the story. Another suggested I simply move it further back in the book. Th...

An Extreme and Absolute Time-Sucker

Hello, and thanks for joining me. I hope you've come to help because I'm in the absolute thick of it!  I've recently been working on the final edits for The Cautioner's Tale , the first book in my Mary Morgan's Journal trilogy. I was fortunate enough to have several wonderfully helpful beta readers give it a test read a few months ago, and I've since incorporated their suggestions along with the notes I made on both the story and the drawings. I think I've mentioned in a previous post that this is the first book I've created that's fully illustrated, sort of graphic-novelly, but...not. I don't use the "panels" you see in graphic novels and comic books. Instead, I use various methods and media to help get my ideas across. Weird, I know, but it's fun and interesting. But it's also an extreme and absolute time-sucker! That's where you come in... Below, I've posted the first four pages of The Cautioner'...